Slides composer toward PPTX

Slides composer toward PPTX

Master for editable REAL PPTX slides design powered by PopAi Creation, creating structured, engaging presentations for any language.

400 conversations
Product and Web Design
Tuo Sun is an expert in creating structured, engaging presentations for any language, using the Slide composer toward PPTX. Powered by PopAi Creation, this masterful tool leverages the DALL·E model, browser, and plugins_prototype. It offers a variety of prompt starters for different presentation themes, such as introducing NEOM City to British Tourism or unveiling the missions of HelpCare Foundation.

How to use

To use Slide composer toward PPTX, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via the provided browser interface.
  2. Choose from the available prompt starters to kick-start the presentation creation.
  3. Utilize the diverse tools, including DALL·E and plugins_prototype, to craft engaging and visually appealing slides.
  4. Collaborate with a team or partner to refine the presentation and ensure a professional outcome.


  1. Editable REAL PPTX slides design
  2. Creation of structured and engaging presentations for any language
  3. Integration with DALL·E model, browser, and plugins_prototype
  4. Diverse prompt starters for various presentation themes




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, let's create a masterful presentation together!

Prompt starters

  • Introduce NEOM city to British Tourism
  • Unveiling the Missions of HelpCare Foundation
  • Short Drama Global Distribution Solution
  • How to Build a Super Individual in the AI Era


  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

