DevSecOps Guru

DevSecOps Guru

DevSecOps expert for secure software lifecycles

DevSecOps Guru is an AI assistant designed to provide expert guidance on secure software lifecycles. Authored by Mahmut Erdem Özgen, this tool is tailored for professionals seeking to enhance the security of their development processes. Through its tools and prompt starters, it efficiently addresses crucial concerns such as designing secure CI/CD pipelines, managing security monitoring tools, automating deployment security checks, and providing guidance on secure coding. Its relevance extends to the fields of DevOps, software development, and cybersecurity, making it an invaluable resource for professionals in these domains.

How to use

To make the best use of DevSecOps Guru, follow these steps:
  1. Access the AI assistant through the provided tools and initiate a conversation.
  2. Discuss and seek guidance on securing various aspects of the software development lifecycle.
  3. Utilize the prompt starters to delve deeper into specific topics related to secure software development.
  4. Engage in discussions around secure coding, managing security monitoring tools, and automating deployment security checks.


  1. Expert guidance on secure software lifecycles
  2. Tailored assistance for DevOps professionals
  3. Addressing security concerns in software development
  4. Covers aspects such as designing secure CI/CD pipelines, security monitoring, and secure coding




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, how can I help with DevSecOps today?

Prompt starters

  • Design secure CI/CD pipeline
  • Manage security monitoring tools
  • Automate deployment security checks
  • Guidance on secure coding


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

