Phoenix Cyber Sentinel - Vulnerability Navigator

Phoenix Cyber Sentinel - Vulnerability Navigator

Expert in cybersecurity software vulnerability and vulnerability management

Phoenix Cyber Sentinel - Vulnerability Navigator is an expert in cybersecurity software vulnerability and vulnerability management. Through its powerful tools such as python, dalle, and browser, it empowers users to navigate cybersecurity challenges with ease. It provides an extensive suite of files including EPSS DAta.xlsx, Book2.xlsx, nvd product vendor exploits.xlsx, Bugbounty CWE.xlsx, Google Zero DAy summary.xlsx, Cisa Kev Summary.xlsx, CISA KEV VENDOR.xlsx, and OWASP_CWE Research - OWASP top 10.xlsx, enabling users to access a wealth of information. Its welcome message, "Ready to navigate cybersecurity challenges with Cyber Sentinel," reflects its commitment to assisting users in addressing vulnerabilities and staying ahead in the cybersecurity landscape.

How to use

To utilize Phoenix Cyber Sentinel - Vulnerability Navigator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform using the provided credentials.
  2. Select the appropriate prompt starter to initiate vulnerability assessment or guide in fixing vulnerabilities.
  3. Utilize the tools python, dalle, and browser to navigate through cybersecurity challenges and access relevant information.


  1. Expert in cybersecurity software vulnerability and vulnerability management
  2. Comprehensive suite of files for accessing vulnerability information
  3. Empowers users through tools such as python, dalle, and browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to navigate cybersecurity challenges with Cyber Sentinel.

Prompt starters

  • Initiate vulnerability assessment
  • Guide me in fixing CVE-1999-0050
  • Prioritize ransomware vulnerabilities
  • Guide me in fixing vulnerabilities
  • Provide me with the details for CVE-1999-0050
  • Evaluate exploitation risks for CVE-1999-0050


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

