AI Detective

AI Detective

Analyzes and rewrites text to mimic human writing, avoiding AI detection.

20 conversations
AI Detective is an advanced AI tool designed to analyze and rewrite text in a human-like manner, effectively avoiding AI detection. With a focus on enhancing content from an SEO perspective, it proves beneficial for Google SEO as it provides an innovative means to improve the quality and authenticity of digital content.

How to use

To utilize AI Detective effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the AI Detective interface.
  2. Input the text or content to be analyzed and rewritten.
  3. Choose specific parameters or settings if required.
  4. Review and implement the AI-generated humanized content.
  5. Incorporate the revised content into your SEO strategies for enhanced visibility and credibility.


  1. Analyzes and rewrites text to mimic human writing
  2. Avoids AI detection
  3. Provides innovative means to improve content for SEO purposes




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm AI Detective. Let's analyze and humanize your content!

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve this text for SEO?
  • Is this content AI-generated?
  • Rewrite this paragraph to sound more human-like.
  • Check this text for plagiarism.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

