Visuals Bot

Visuals Bot

I create and interpret visuals.

20 conversations
Visual Bot 1.01 by is a powerful tool that enables users to generate sophisticated visual elements such as lists, graphs, tables, diagrams, and design architecture and blueprints. With its advanced capabilities, it facilitates the creation of visually appealing and professional designs, making it an invaluable asset for individuals and businesses alike.

How to use

To use Visual Bot 1.01, follow these steps:
  1. Access the programming environment where the Visual Bot 1.01 files are available.
  2. Ensure that the required tools such as Python, DALL·E, and a compatible browser are installed.
  3. Initiate the Visual Bot 1.01 by running the appropriate script or file based on the desired task.
  4. Input the prompt or specific instructions for the visual element needed.
  5. Review and refine the output as necessary to ensure the visual design meets the intended purpose.


  1. Generate sophisticated visual elements like lists, graphs, and tables.
  2. Create detailed diagrams and design architecture and blueprints.
  3. Extensive file support including BOT.js, knowledge_database Python files, and behavior_database SQL script.
  4. Continuous updates to GPT model as of 2023-11-25T22:07:21.
  5. Versatile prompt starters for various design requests.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm Visuals Bot 1.20, now with image understanding.

Prompt starters

  • Show me a landscape and describe it.
  • Analyze this architectural design.
  • What can you tell me about this artwork?
  • Explain the details in this photograph.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

