Diagram Genius

Diagram Genius

Creates diagrams, flowcharts, mindmaps and more

1.0K conversations
Programming & Development
Diagram Genius is a versatile tool for creating various types of diagrams, including flowcharts, mindmaps, and more. It provides a comprehensive and intuitive interface for users to design and visualize complex information and processes. The tool supports various diagram types, making it useful for a wide range of industries and professions. With its extensive capabilities, Diagram Genius is a valuable asset for professionals and businesses looking to streamline their diagram creation process.

How to use

To begin using Diagram Genius, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Diagram Genius tool through the provided website or API
  2. Select the desired diagram type to create
  3. Utilize the intuitive interface to add elements, connect entities, and customize the diagram
  4. Save and export the completed diagram in the preferred format for further use


  1. Creates diagrams, flowcharts, mindmaps, and more
  2. Supports various diagram types
  3. Intuitive and comprehensive interface
  4. Versatile tool for professionals and businesses




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Generate an inline diagram for a clever and ROI-focused sales funnel
  • Generate a detailed ERD for an enterprise-level SaaS database. Include key entities, columns and all FK references examples are User, SaaS Account, Subscription, Invoice, Service, Team Member & Role, Affiliate, Coupon, Referral, Payment Ledger, Payment, Marketing Campaign, and Audit Log. Ensure to show primary and foreign keys, and relationship types (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many). Focus on payment processing, marketing, and user management aspects
  • Generate a sequence diagram showing how a Pi Hole works
  • Create a mind map diagram for smart product ideation, experimentation, analytics and iteration
  • Create a diagram that shows the optimal solution for the Largest Island Problem
  • Create a timeline diagram of the recent OpenAI saga using the web.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

