World Building for Writers

World Building for Writers

A creative assistant for world-building in fiction writing.

20 conversations
GPT ChatGPT expert Jill Hampton offers a creative assistant tool named 'World Building for Writers,' focused on aiding fiction writers with building unique and compelling fictional worlds. The tool provides prompt starters and utilizes DALL-E and browser tools to enhance the world-building experience, making it a valuable resource for writers seeking to add depth and originality to their stories.

How to use

Hello! Ready to build some amazing fictional worlds?
  1. Access the tool 'World Building for Writers' created by Jill Hampton.
  2. Utilize the prompt starters provided to kick off your world-building process.
  3. Make use of the DALL-E and browser tools to visualize and craft your fictional worlds effectively.


  1. A creative assistant tool for world-building in fiction writing.
  2. Offers prompt starters for generating ideas and kickstarting the world-building process.
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools to enhance the world-building experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to build some amazing fictional worlds?

Prompt starters

  • How can I make my fantasy world unique?
  • Can you give me suggestions for my towns name?
  • I want suggestions for founding principals for my town.
  • Ask me questions to help me create my town.


  • dalle
  • browser

