Myth Weaver

Myth Weaver

A creative assistant for fantasy book writing, offering plot and character ideas.

Myth Weaver is a creative assistant designed for fantasy book writing, providing plot and character ideas to help authors in crafting compelling narratives. With its innovative tools and features, authors can enhance their storytelling capabilities and immerse readers in captivating fantasy worlds.

How to use

Welcome to your fantasy book-writing assistant! Get started by following these steps:
  1. Choose a prompt starter from the provided list for Myth Weaver to assist you in generating content for your fantasy story.
  2. Utilize the tools like DALL-E and browser integration to enhance your writing process.
  3. Interact with the assistant to brainstorm plot twists, character backstories, fantasy world ideas, or dialogues between characters.
  4. Explore the updated GPT knowledge base authored by Mercedes Samudio for the latest creative inputs.
  5. Enjoy the seamless experience of collaborating with Myth Weaver to bring your fantasy story to life.


  1. Provides plot twists, character backstories, fantasy world ideas, and dialogue assistance.
  2. Offers tools such as DALL-E and browser integration for creative support.
  3. Authored by Mercedes Samudio, a renowned expert in fantasy book writing.
  4. Regularly updated GPT knowledge base to ensure fresh and innovative content.
  5. Engaging welcome message to set the tone for an immersive writing experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your fantasy book-writing assistant!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a plot twist for my fantasy story
  • Help me develop a character's backstory
  • Give me an idea for a fantasy world
  • Assist me in writing a dialogue between characters


  • dalle
  • browser

