Concise Composer

Concise Composer

Automatically shortens and refines texts while preserving style.

80 conversations
Concise Composer is an AI tool designed by Greg Barbosa that automatically shortens and refines texts while maintaining the original writing style. It is a useful solution for individuals who wish to communicate their ideas more effectively by condensing lengthy content. By utilizing the tool, users can quickly streamline their messages without sacrificing clarity or coherence. With its innovative approach to text refinement, Concise Composer aims to enhance communication efficiency and effectiveness for various writing tasks.

How to use

To utilize the Concise Composer tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Concise Composer tool interface.
  2. Input the text you want to shorten or refine.
  3. Initiate the text refinement process by submitting the content.
  4. Review the revised text to ensure it aligns with your desired communication style.
  5. Make any necessary adjustments or corrections based on the refined version.


  1. Automatically shortens and refines texts while preserving style.
  2. Supports various prompt starters to assist users in generating concise content.
  3. Utilizes advanced tools like DALL-E and browser technology for text processing.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Just send a text and I'll make it concise, clear, and true to your style.

Prompt starters

  • Shorten this email for me:
  • Can you make this message more concise?
  • How can I shorten this text but keep the main idea?
  • Revise this message for clarity:


  • dalle
  • browser

