Text Improver

Text Improver

Autocorrects text while preserving original tone and details.

90 conversations
ChatGPT Text Improver is a powerful tool developed by BEN BALER that helps users autocorrect text while preserving the original tone and details. It can be used to enhance the quality of written content, making it more polished and professional. With a focus on accuracy and context preservation, this tool is ideal for individuals looking to improve the overall quality of their written communications.

How to use

Paste your text and the tool will autocorrect it for you. Follow these steps to utilize the Text Improver:
  1. Visit the Text Improver tool interface on the website.
  2. Copy and paste the text you want to autocorrect into the designated input area.
  3. Click on the 'Improve Text' button to initiate the autocorrection process.
  4. Review the corrected text with improved grammar, spelling, and coherence.
  5. Make any additional edits or adjustments as needed before finalizing the text.


  1. Autocorrect text while preserving the original tone and details.
  2. Supports a variety of prompt starters for contextually relevant corrections.
  3. Utilizes tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser functionalities for enhanced corrections.




English (English)

Welcome message

Paste your text and I'll autocorrect it for you.

Prompt starters

  • hi ben, how r u today?
  • can you send me the files to my email please?
  • to solve this issue you have to do this and that


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

