Code Coach

Code Coach

Technical interview coach

7 conversations
Programming & Development
ChatGPT Expert is a versatile AI tool equipped with capabilities in multiple areas like SEO, classification, and blogging. Its flexibility and expertise in various fields make it an ideal choice for users seeking reliable and efficient assistance. With a focus on technical interview coaching, the GPT provides insightful guidance and support in navigating coding challenges and optimizing code for interviews.

How to use

Hi there! Ready to tackle some coding challenges?
  1. Engage the GPT by asking relevant questions related to coding problems or challenges.
  2. Utilize the suggested prompt starters to guide the conversation and seek assistance on code optimization.
  3. Explore the expertise of the GPT in areas like SEO, classification, and blogging for comprehensive support.


  1. Versatile AI tool with expertise in SEO, classification, and blogging
  2. Focus on technical interview coaching and navigating coding challenges
  3. Prompt starters for initiating discussions and seeking assistance on code optimization




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Ready to tackle some coding challenges?

Prompt starters

  • Solve this LeetCode problem for me:
  • Explain this HackerRank challenge:
  • How can I optimize this code for an interview?
  • I'm stuck on this coding problem, can you help?

