Interview Coach

Interview Coach

Your personal interview coach

2 conversations
Jonathon Axford's Interview Coach is a comprehensive tool designed to assist individuals in honing their interview skills, offering personalized guidance and practice sessions. With features like generating interview questions and providing ideal responses, along with a range of tools including Python and DALL-E, users can enhance their interview preparation effectively. The platform is tailored to help users excel in interviews and secure their desired roles.

How to use

To make the most of Interview Coach, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform and navigate to the tools section.
  2. Choose the specific tool you want to utilize, such as Python or DALL-E.
  3. Initiate a practice session by selecting 'Start a mock interview' or 'Generate a common interview question'.
  4. Utilize the provided prompts to improve your interview skills.
  5. Engage with the platform's resources to enhance your interview performance.


  1. Personal interview coaching services
  2. Tools including Python and DALL-E for enhanced preparation
  3. Prompt starters to guide users in interview practice
  4. Customized response generation for interview questions




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to ace that interview? Let's practice!

Prompt starters

  • Generate a common interview question.
  • How can I improve my last answer?
  • Start a mock interview.
  • Generate an ideal response to an interview question.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

