

Conjures up smart, topical humor for any occasion.

WitWizard by Tactilytics Inc is a GPT AI designed to conjure up smart and topical humor for any occasion. It utilizes tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser integrations. Its humorous content generation can be leveraged for various writing purposes, adding a touch of wit and creativity to the text. This summary aims to highlight the capabilities of WitWizard in creating engaging and entertaining content, making it a valuable tool for writers looking to infuse humor into their work.

How to use

To use WitWizard effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the WitWizard platform using the provided credentials.
  2. Enter your writing prompt or scenario for which you need humorous content.
  3. Select the desired level of humor and topicality.
  4. Click the generate button to let WitWizard create smart and witty responses.
  5. Review and edit the generated content as needed before using it in your writing.


  1. Ability to conjure up smart and topical humor
  2. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools
  3. User-friendly platform for content generation
  4. Customization options for humor levels and topics




English (English)


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

