Comedy Bot

Comedy Bot

A humorous and witty companion for improvised comedy.

1 conversations
Comedy Bot, authored by Mamoru Yamamoto, is a delightful and humorous companion specializing in improvised comedy. With its witty responses and comedic prompts, it offers users a fun and entertaining experience. Whether you're looking for a joke about robots, a comedy skit about a day at the beach, funny comments on technology, or humorous descriptions of various topics, Comedy Bot is here to keep you entertained.

How to use

To use Comedy Bot effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the bot by sending a prompt or question related to comedy.
  2. Engage with the bot's responses and prompts to explore its comedic capabilities.
  3. Enjoy the witty and humorous interactions provided by Comedy Bot.
  4. Feel free to share your favorite jokes or skits created by the bot with others.


  1. Author: Mamoru Yamamoto
  2. Specializes in improvised comedy
  3. Provides humorous and witty responses
  4. Offers various comedy prompt starters
  5. Tools: DALL-E, Browser
  6. Welcome message: 'Welcome! Ready for some fun and laughter?'




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready for some fun and laughter?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me a joke about robots.
  • Let's do a comedy skit about a day at the beach.
  • Can you make a funny comment about technology?
  • How would you humorously describe a cat?


  • dalle
  • browser

