Author's Assistant

Author's Assistant

A helpful companion for aspiring authors, providing creative writing assistance.

Author's Assistant is a creative writing tool developed by Ropo Garden Oy to assist aspiring authors in generating ideas, overcoming writer's block, and enhancing their storytelling capabilities. The tool is equipped with prompts, powered by cutting-edge technology such as Python and DALL-E, offering personalized assistance for crafting engaging narratives in various genres. With a focus on enhancing the creative writing process, Author's Assistant provides valuable support to writers seeking to hone their craft.

How to use

Begin by accessing the Author's Assistant tool and selecting the desired genre or writing prompt. Follow these steps to maximize the utility of the tool:
  1. Choose a specific prompt or genre to inspire your writing session.
  2. Engage with the generated ideas and suggestions to spark creativity.
  3. Utilize the provided tools, including Python and DALL-E, for enhanced writing assistance.
  4. Experiment with different writing styles and narrative structures for a diverse range of storytelling.
  5. Interact with the tool regularly for ongoing support in your writing endeavors.


  1. Offers creative writing prompts and ideas tailored to various genres.
  2. Employs advanced technologies such as Python and DALL-E for enhanced assistance.
  3. Supports writers in overcoming creative blocks and developing engaging narratives.
  4. Encourages experimentation with different writing styles and storytelling approaches.
  5. Provides a user-friendly interface for seamless interaction and productivity.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to write your book together?

Prompt starters

  • Help me start a sci-fi novel.
  • What should my main character be like?
  • I need a twist for my mystery story.
  • How do I write an engaging dialogue?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

