Write Buddy

Write Buddy

A creative writing assistant for stories and scripts.

Write Buddy is a creative writing assistant designed to help users generate new story ideas, develop characters, enhance dialogue, and create compelling climaxes. Its tools include DALL-E and browser integration, ensuring a seamless writing experience. Kevin Vandergriff is the author, and the GPT was last updated on January 26, 2024. The welcome message invites users to unleash their creativity.

How to use

To use Write Buddy effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform and select a prompt starter or input your own writing query.
  2. Bounce ideas off Write Buddy to refine your story elements.
  3. Utilize the character backstory and plot suggestions provided.
  4. Enhance your dialogue by incorporating Write Buddy's proposed improvements.
  5. Receive ideas for a captivating story climax to elevate your narrative.


  1. Aids in generating story plots and characters' backgrounds
  2. Improves dialogue between characters
  3. Provides ideas for story climaxes




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to unleash your creativity today?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a plot for my new story.
  • Help me develop a character's backstory.
  • Improve the dialogue between these characters.
  • Give me ideas for a story's climax.


  • dalle
  • browser

