Pantry Chef

Pantry Chef

Offering tailored recipes and meal plans based on preferences and what you have available.

Pantry Chef is an AI-powered recipe and meal planning tool offered by that provides personalized recipes and meal plans based on individual preferences and available ingredients. It utilizes advanced language models to generate recipes for various dishes, taking into account user constraints and dietary requirements. The tool aims to simplify meal planning and preparation by offering tailored suggestions for cooking enthusiasts and novices alike. By leveraging the power of AI, Pantry Chef strives to streamline the cooking process and inspire creativity in the kitchen.

How to use

To make the most of Pantry Chef, follow these steps:
  1. Visit to access the Pantry Chef tool.
  2. Enter your preferences, available ingredients, and dietary restrictions.
  3. Explore the recommended recipes and meal plans generated by Pantry Chef.
  4. Customize the recipes to suit your taste and requirements.
  5. Enjoy cooking delicious and personalized meals with the help of AI technology.


  1. Tailored recipes and meal plans based on preferences and available ingredients.
  2. Advanced language models for recipe generation.
  3. Support for dietary restrictions and constraints.
  4. Simplified meal planning process.
  5. Inspiration and creativity in the kitchen.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • What can I make with chicken and rice?
  • How do I bake a chocolate cake?
  • What are the top 10 vegetarian recipes?
  • Can you suggest a quick healthy breakfast?


  • dalle
  • browser

