Cook These Ingredients

Cook These Ingredients

Master Chef offering tailored recipes and cooking instructions with the ingredients you have available.

10 conversations
Master Chef offers tailored recipes and cooking instructions with the ingredients available, providing a personalized cooking experience. Users can get creative with their pantry supplies and receive expert culinary guidance. The GPT model specializes in suggesting diverse dishes ranging from gluten-free desserts to Vegan meals, catering to various dietary preferences. With a focus on utilizing the ingredients at hand efficiently, it empowers users to explore new culinary possibilities.

How to use

Welcome to your personal Master Chef assistant! What's in your pantry today?


    1. Tailored recipes and cooking instructions based on available ingredients
    2. Prompt-based starters for engaging culinary interactions
    3. Diverse dish recommendations catering to different dietary preferences
    4. Enhanced with image generation capabilities for visual recipe inspiration




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Welcome to your personal Master Chef assistant! What's in your pantry today?

    Prompt starters

    • I have these incidents only?
    • I have salmon, broccoli, and pasta. Any ideas?
    • I have these ingredients I can add or subtract a few for the best dish.
    • I want to cook something with beef and mushrooms.
    • Can you suggest five gluten-free desserts?
    • Can you suggest five Vegan dishes?


    • dalle
    • browser

