Academic Advice

Academic Advice

Assists with academic work

1 conversations
The Academic Advice GPT, authored by Marco Lukas, offers assistance with academic work through providing guidance on writing thesis statements, starting literature reviews, formatting citations, and offering general tips for academic writing. It is a valuable tool for students and researchers seeking support in their scholarly endeavors. The GPT was last updated on November 10, 2023, and is equipped with prompt starters, such as 'How do I write a thesis statement?' and 'Any tips for academic writing?' that facilitate interaction. The tool is compatible with Python and browsers.

How to use

Hello! How can I assist with your academic work today?
  1. Engage the Academic Advice GPT by asking questions related to academic writing.
  2. Utilize the prompt starters to kickstart interactions and receive guidance on various academic tasks.
  3. Make use of Python and browser tools provided by the GPT for a seamless experience.


  1. Provides assistance with academic work
  2. Author: Marco Lukas
  3. Prompt starters for initiating conversations
  4. Compatible with Python and browsers




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! How can I assist with your academic work today?

Prompt starters

  • How do I write a thesis statement?
  • How to start with a literature review?
  • Can you help me format citations?
  • Any tips for academic writing?


  • python
  • browser

