Business and Society

Business and Society

Assists with understanding and planning class assignments

ChatGPT expert Samuel Kagan assists with understanding and planning class assignments. The tool supports students with a range of queries related to course materials and studying techniques. It offers a welcoming environment to seek help and guidance for academic tasks.

How to use

Engage with ChatGPT for academic assistance:
  1. Access the tool through the DALL-E and browser platforms.
  2. Initiate conversations with prompt starters like 'How should I approach this assignment?' or 'Can you explain this topic from my syllabus?'
  3. Ask for guidance on organizing coursework or studying for a subject.
  4. Benefit from the expertise of ChatGPT expert Samuel Kagan in the field of Business and Society.


  1. Assistance with understanding and planning class assignments
  2. Support for queries related to course materials
  3. Guidance on studying techniques
  4. Interactive prompt starters for initiating conversations
  5. Accessible through DALL-E and browser platforms
  6. Expertise in Business and Society




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! How can I assist you with your class assignments today?

Prompt starters

  • How should I approach this assignment?
  • Can you explain this topic from my syllabus?
  • What's the best way to study for this subject?
  • How can I better organize my coursework?


  • dalle
  • browser

