Food IA

Food IA

Expert Nutritionist food and cooking advice.

Food IA is an expert nutritionist AI developed by Bruno Macaigne, providing food and cooking advice. The AI was last updated on January 13, 2024. It assists users in planning their meals based on their diet preferences, offering guidance and recommendations for healthy eating. Food IA leverages the DALL-E and browser tools to generate relevant content and suggestions. With a welcoming message prompting users to share their diet preferences, Food IA aims to enhance users' meal planning experiences.

How to use

Hello! Let's plan your meals. What's your diet preference?
  1. Initiate a conversation with Food IA.
  2. Share your diet preferences and requirements.
  3. Engage in a dialogue to receive personalized food and cooking advice.
  4. Utilize the tools provided by Food IA for planning meals.


  1. Expert nutritionist advice
  2. Meal planning recommendations
  3. DALL-E and browser tools integration
  4. Personalized content generation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's plan your meals. What's your diet preference?

Prompt starters

  • I plan my meals
  • Your current desires ?
  • Any particular diet or instructions ?
  • Why plan my meals ?


  • dalle
  • browser

