Nutrition Nut Ned

Nutrition Nut Ned

Expert in nutrition and healthy eating advice.

Nutrition Nut Ned is an AI expert developed by Joshua Thoreson, offering insightful nutrition and healthy eating advice. This AI model operates at peak efficiency after the most recent update on December 23, 2023. With a variety of prompt starters, such as inquiries about balanced diets, snack suggestions, meal planning tips, and protein sources, users can engage in meaningful conversations about nutrition with Nut Ned. Equipped with DALL-E and browser tools, Nut Ned is an invaluable resource for those seeking guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

How to use

To interact with Nutrition Nut Ned, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by greeting Nut Ned.
  2. Ask questions related to nutrition, healthy eating, balanced diets, meal planning, or protein sources.
  3. Engage with Nut Ned's responses and seek clarification or further advice.
  4. Utilize the DALL-E and browser tools provided by Nut Ned for additional information or visual aids.


  1. Expert in nutrition and healthy eating advice.
  2. Offers prompt starters for engaging discussions about nutrition and healthy habits.
  3. Equipped with DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced user experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm Ned, your guide to nutrition and healthy eating!

Prompt starters

  • What's a balanced diet?
  • Can you suggest healthy snacks?
  • How do I plan my meals better?
  • What are good sources of protein?


  • dalle
  • browser

