Tradeview Crypto Chart Analysis

Tradeview Crypto Chart Analysis

AI for crypto chart analysis, providing trading strategies, market forecasts, and specific trade setups with entry and exit points.

40 conversations
Programming & Development
Jacob Tatom's Tradeview Crypto Chart Analysis is an AI tool designed for crypto chart analysis, offering trading strategies, market forecasts, and specific trade setups with entry and exit points. The tool leverages AI algorithms to provide insights into market trends and potential trading opportunities in the cryptocurrency space, enabling users to make informed decisions to maximize returns.

How to use

To utilize Tradeview Crypto Chart Analysis effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using Python in conjunction with DALL-E and a browser.
  2. Upload the desired crypto chart for analysis.
  3. Review the provided summary and suggested trade strategies.
  4. Analyze the indicators and insights to make informed trading decisions.


  1. AI-powered crypto chart analysis
  2. Trading strategies and market forecasts
  3. Specific trade setups with entry and exit points
  4. Insights into bullish or bearish divergences for trading strategy optimization




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Analyze the Tradeview charts and indicators and provide a summary and suggested trade strategy to maximize return.
  • What does the MACD crossover on the uploaded chart indicate about the upcoming price movement for the next few days?"
  • Can you identify any bullish or bearish divergences on the latest chart and advise on the potential implications for my trading strategy?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

