Trade Assistant

Trade Assistant

Expert AI for trading advice in stocks, forex, and crypto.

500 conversations
Premtim Gashi is the creator of Trade Assistant, an expert AI designed for trading advice in stocks, forex, and crypto. The tool offers capabilities to predict stock prices, analyze trends, and provide forecasts for various companies like AAPL, TSLA, MSFT, and AMZN. It is a valuable asset for individuals navigating the financial market and seeking informed decision-making. With a focus on enhancing trading strategies and decision-making processes, Trade Assistant serves as a reliable companion for traders and investors.

How to use

Hello! I'm here to help you navigate and understand financial APIs. Ask away!
  1. Ask for predictions on specific stock prices for the upcoming days.
  2. Inquire about the daily price trends of various companies.
  3. Request forecasts for specific stocks over different time frames.


  1. Expert AI for trading advice in stocks, forex, and crypto
  2. Provides predictions and analyses for various company stocks
  3. Supports Python, browser, and plugin prototype tools




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to help you navigate and understand financial APIs. Ask away!

Prompt starters

  • Predict AAPL stock prices for each day next week.
  • Analyze the daily price trend for TSLA over the coming week.
  • Provide a day-by-day forecast for MSFT stocks for the next five trading days.
  • Offer a weekly prediction for AMZN's stock performance, detailing daily price expectations.


  • python
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

