Interactive Story Games Creator

Interactive Story Games Creator

An AI assistant specialized in creating dynamic, interactive story-based games with user-driven narratives and integrated visual elements

An AI assistant named Interactive Story Games Creator, created by Casto Manuel Vicedo Ríos, specializes in crafting dynamic and interactive story-based games with user-driven narratives and integrated visual elements. This tool, powered by GPT, opens up avenues for users to create random stories, set tones like light-hearted, dark, or suspenseful, experiment with genres like adventure, mystery, or sci-fi, and design stories with varying levels of difficulty.

How to use

To utilize the Interactive Story Games Creator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the creator using tools such as dalle and browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter to kick off the story creation process.
  3. Engage with the AI assistant to guide the narrative based on user inputs.


  1. Specialized in creating interactive story-based games
  2. Offers user-driven narratives with integrated visual elements
  3. Provides a set of prompt starters for story creation
  4. Enables the design of stories across various genres and difficulty levels




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Create a random Story!
  • Create a story with this tone: light-hearted, dark, suspenseful
  • Create a story with this genres: adventure, mystery, sci-fi
  • Create a story with 5 levels and difficulty: hard


  • dalle
  • browser

