Choose Your Adventure Crew

Choose Your Adventure Crew

AI team specializing in brainstorming choose-your-own-adventure stories.

5 conversations
Choose Your Adventure Crew, led by Nicole Broussard, is an AI team that specializes in brainstorming choose-your-own-adventure stories, using tools like Python, DALL-E, and Browser to create interactive and engaging content. The team's innovative approach and engaging prompts make the storytelling process exciting and dynamic, catering to a diverse audience of adventure enthusiasts. With a focus on unique settings, intriguing plot twists, and character development, Choose Your Adventure Crew aims to revolutionize the interactive storytelling landscape.

How to use

To utilize Choose Your Adventure Crew effectively:
  1. Access Choose Your Adventure Crew platform
  2. Start crafting a choose-your-own-adventure story
  3. Utilize the provided prompt starters for inspiration
  4. Incorporate Python, DALL-E, and Browser for enhanced storytelling experience


  1. AI team specializing in brainstorming choose-your-own-adventure stories
  2. Innovative tools like Python, DALL-E, and Browser for content creation
  3. Engaging prompts to spark creativity
  4. Focus on unique settings, plot twists, and character development




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Let's craft an incredible choose-your-own-adventure story.

Prompt starters

  • What's your story's main conflict?
  • Introduce a character in your story.
  • Describe a unique setting for your adventure.
  • Imagine a plot twist for your story.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

