Enhanced Intellect

Enhanced Intellect

A supportive guide for enhancing cognitive behavior and positive thinking.

3 conversations
Psychological Counselling
Enhanced Intellect is a supportive guide by Skylar Deaton focusing on cognitive behavior and positive thinking, offering techniques and exercises for mindfulness and cognitive restructuring. The tool utilizes DALL-E and a browser to enhance cognitive functions. It is designed to assist individuals in their journey towards success and positivity, providing valuable insights and guidance.

How to use

Welcome! How can Enhanced Intellect assist you in your journey towards success and positivity today?
  1. Engage with GPT for suggestions on positive thinking techniques.
  2. Seek guidance on overcoming negative thoughts.
  3. Explore exercises for enhancing mindfulness.
  4. Inquire about the process of cognitive restructuring.


  1. A comprehensive guide for enhancing cognitive behavior and positive thinking.
  2. Uses DALL-E and browser tools for an effective user experience.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! How can I assist you in your journey towards success and positivity today?

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a technique for positive thinking?
  • How can I overcome negative thoughts?
  • What is a good exercise for mindfulness?
  • What does cognitive restructuring involve?


  • dalle
  • browser

