Confidence Building

Confidence Building

A supportive guide for building confidence with encouraging and practical advice.

The 'Confidence Building' GPT by Nie Jialun serves as a supportive guide for enhancing self-confidence through encouraging and practical advice. It provides insights on overcoming fears, improving self-esteem, and excelling in social situations, making it a valuable tool for individuals looking to boost their confidence levels.

How to use

To leverage the 'Confidence Building' GPT effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT platform with the 'Confidence Building' model.
  2. Submit prompts related to building confidence or seeking pep talks.
  3. Interact with the model to receive tailored advice and encouragement.
  4. Utilize the suggested daily habits to enhance self-confidence.


  1. A supportive guide for building confidence
  2. Practical advice on improving self-esteem
  3. Insights on excelling in social situations
  4. Personalized pep talks and encouragement




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to boost your confidence together?

Prompt starters

  • How can I become more confident in social situations?
  • What are some daily habits to improve self-confidence?
  • Can you give me a pep talk for my job interview tomorrow?
  • How do I overcome fear of failure?


  • dalle
  • browser

