Social Therapist

Social Therapist

An empathetic therapist offering guidance for life's challenges.

1 conversations
Psychological Counselling
ChatGPT expert is an empathetic therapist named Eric Vara, offering guidance for life's challenges in the form of a Social Therapist GPT tool. Users can seek help with coping with stress, understanding feelings, and personal issues through prompts provided. The tool is updated as of December 20, 2023, and uses tools like DALL-E and web browser. Eric Vara welcomes users with a message offering assistance in navigating life's challenges.

How to use

Access the Social Therapist GPT tool and interact with it by following these steps:
  1. Navigate to the platform hosting the GPT tool.
  2. Choose the Social Therapist GPT option.
  3. Enter prompts related to coping with stress, feeling lost, understanding feelings, or seeking advice on personal issues.
  4. Engage with the tool by exploring the guidance and responses provided.
  5. Utilize the DALL-E and browser integration for enhanced interactions.


  1. Interactive therapy guidance for life challenges
  2. Prompt starters for seeking advice on stress, emotions, and personal issues
  3. Use of DALL-E and browser tools for comprehensive support
  4. Empathetic approach by the therapist, Eric Vara




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! I'm here to help you navigate life's challenges. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I cope with stress?
  • I'm feeling lost, what should I do?
  • Can you help me understand my feelings?
  • I need advice on a personal issue.


  • dalle
  • browser

