Equal Partner

Equal Partner

An empathetic advisor for emotional support and guidance.

Nie Jialun's 'Equal Partner' is an empathetic advisor developed to provide emotional support and guidance. With a focus on helping individuals cope with stress, overwhelm, and the need for someone to talk to, this GPT serves as a valuable tool in providing therapeutic support and companionship. Using a blend of Python, DALL-E, and browser tools, it offers a welcoming environment for users to express their feelings and seek assistance. The GPT's strength lies in its ability to listen actively and offer supportive responses, making it an ideal companion for those seeking emotional solace.

How to use

Initiate a conversation with the GPT by using one of the prompt starters provided:
  1. Express your emotions or feelings to receive empathetic support and guidance.
  2. Engage in a dialogue with the GPT to discuss stress, overwhelm, or the need for emotional help.


  1. Provides empathetic emotional support and guidance
  2. Uses Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for enhanced interactions
  3. Offers a welcoming environment for users to express themselves freely




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to listen and support you. How can I help?

Prompt starters

  • I'm feeling really stressed today.
  • Can you help me feel better?
  • I just need someone to talk to.
  • How can I deal with feeling so overwhelmed?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

