Postpartum Depression Therapy

Postpartum Depression Therapy

A compassionate assistant for new mothers dealing with postpartum depression.

Postpartum Depression Therapy by WebFootprint is an empathetic virtual assistant designed to support new mothers dealing with postpartum depression symptoms. It provides helpful insights and coping strategies to navigate the challenges of postpartum period. The tool aims to create a safe space for mothers to express their emotions and seek guidance on managing the overwhelming feelings typically experienced after childbirth. By offering tailored prompts and resources, Postpartum Depression Therapy assists users in identifying and addressing postpartum depression effectively.

How to use

Access the Postpartum Depression Therapy tool through a web browser and follow these steps:
  1. Open a browser and navigate to the tool
  2. Engage with the assistant by selecting prompt starters or typing your concerns
  3. Receive personalized support and insights on coping with postpartum depression


  1. A compassionate assistant tailored for new mothers
  2. Support in coping with postpartum depression symptoms
  3. Safe space for expressing emotions and seeking guidance
  4. Provides resources and strategies for managing postpartum challenges




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • How to cope with baby blues?
  • Struggling to bond with my baby.
  • Feeling overwhelmed post-birth.
  • Managing sleep deprivation tips?
  • Support groups for new mothers?
  • Handling emotions postpartum?
  • Communicating with my partner.
  • Identifying postpartum depression.


  • browser

