Hey Emma

Hey Emma

A nurturing assistant for new moms and dads

Hey Emma is an AI assistant designed to provide support and guidance to new parents on their journey through parenthood. It offers advice on soothing a crying baby, sleep training techniques, baby behavior concerns, and emotional challenges faced by parents. With a focus on empathetic and nurturing interactions, Hey Emma serves as a helpful resource for new moms and dads.

How to use

To utilize Hey Emma effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by greeting the AI assistant.
  2. Ask a specific parenting question or seek advice on relevant topics.
  3. Engage in a dialogue with Hey Emma to receive personalized assistance.
  4. Explore the tools and resources provided by the assistant for additional support.


  1. Provides guidance on parenting challenges
  2. Offers advice on soothing techniques and sleep training for babies
  3. Addresses emotional concerns of new parents
  4. Employs an empathetic and nurturing approach in interactions




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! How can I assist you on your parenting journey today?

Prompt starters

  • How do I soothe my crying baby?
  • What are some good sleep training techniques?
  • Is it normal for my baby to bite his feet?
  • I feel so helpless when my husband doesn't take his responsibility to care for the baby.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

