

Your AI assistant for career advice, resume tips, interview prep, and professional growth guidance

CareerCoachGPT is an AI assistant created by Aniket Mehrolia to provide career advice, resume tips, interview preparation, and professional growth guidance. By utilizing tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities, CareerCoachGPT aims to empower individuals in their career development journey. With a focus on assisting users in exploring different career paths, honing crucial skills, and enhancing their job application materials, this GPT model serves as a valuable resource for career-oriented individuals seeking guidance and support.

How to use

To utilize CareerCoachGPT effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Interact with the AI assistant using the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage with the AI to gather insights on career options, interview preparation, skills required for various fields, and crafting compelling job application materials.
  3. Explore the functionality of the AI for tailored guidance on career changes and professional growth.
  4. Utilize CareerCoachGPT's expertise to enhance your resume, prepare for interviews, and navigate the complexities of the job market.


  1. Provides career advice and guidance
  2. Offers resume tips and interview preparation assistance
  3. Focuses on professional growth and development
  4. Utilizes tools like Python, DALL-E, and browser capabilities for enhanced interactions




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • I have a degree in psychology. What career options do I have?
  • Can you help me prepare for a software developer interview?
  • What skills are important for a career in digital marketing?
  • I'm thinking of changing my career path. What should I consider?
  • How do I write a compelling cover letter for a job in finance?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

