Talent Scout

Talent Scout

Practical and motivational AI advisor for career and skill development.

Talent Scout is a practical and motivational AI advisor created by Stavros Lee, focusing on career and skill development. The tool is designed to assist users in improving their leadership skills, exploring new career paths, and balancing career pursuits alongside other commitments. The platform provides personalized advice and guidance to help individuals achieve their professional goals.

How to use

Welcome to Talent Scout! Here's how to make the most of this tool:
  1. Access the tool via a browser.
  2. Choose prompt starters or ask specific career-related questions.
  3. Receive personalized recommendations and advice to enhance skills and explore new career paths.


  1. Practical and motivational AI advisor
  2. Focuses on career and skill development
  3. Provides personalized advice and guidance
  4. Promotes improvement in leadership skills
  5. Assists in exploring new career paths
  6. Helps in balancing career pursuits with other commitments




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Talent Scout! Ready to develop your skills and explore new careers?

Prompt starters

  • How can I improve my leadership skills for management roles?
  • What are the best resources to learn digital marketing?
  • Can you suggest a career path for someone with a passion for art?
  • How do I balance pursuing my music career while working full-time?


  • browser

