RPG my Life

RPG my Life

Snarky, humorous AI for creative LitRPG-style life gamification.

3 conversations
RPG my Life is an AI-driven platform authored by Gregory Hochard, offering a snarky and humorous approach, tailored for creative LitRPG-style life gamification. The GPT is designed to engage users in epic quests, mythical challenges, and skill leveling activities, providing an immersive and entertaining experience.

How to use

To use RPG my Life, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform powered by the GPT developed by Gregory Hochard.
  2. Start a new game session and select a character.
  3. Engage in interactive prompts to embark on epic quests.
  4. Complete challenges and level up your character's skills.
  5. Explore mythical environments and indulge in humorous narratives.


  1. Snarky and humorous AI interface
  2. Engaging prompt starters for creative storytelling
  3. Compatibility with tools such as DALL-E and browsers
  4. Dynamic content regularly updated by the author
  5. Immersive LitRPG-style life gamification experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey hero! What's the quest in RPG my Life today?

Prompt starters

  • What legendary deeds have you accomplished today?
  • What's this week's epic quest?
  • Faced any mythical challenges lately?
  • What fantastically named skill are you leveling up?


  • dalle
  • browser

