RE2 Regex Guru for Sheets & Looker

RE2 Regex Guru for Sheets & Looker

RE2 regex expert for Sheets and Looker Studio.

5 conversations
Programming & Development
The RE2 Regex Guru for Sheets & Looker, created by, is a cutting-edge tool designed for extracting and manipulating data efficiently using RE2 regex patterns within Sheets and Looker Studio formats. With a focus on high-performance solutions, it streamlines the process of extracting email addresses, rewriting date formats, and consolidating data based on keywords. Leveraging tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser extensions, this tool caters to professionals seeking seamless regex solutions in their data workflows, empowering them to enhance efficiency and accuracy.

How to use

To utilize the RE2 Regex Guru for Sheets & Looker effectively:
  1. Access the tool through
  2. Input the data you want to process in Sheets or Looker Studio format.
  3. Define the regex patterns or rules for data extraction or manipulation.
  4. Execute the tool to generate the desired output based on the defined rules.
  5. Review and further process the extracted or transformed data as needed.


  1. Efficient extraction of email addresses from lengthy text using Sheets and Looker Studio formats.
  2. Rewriting date formats using RE2 regex for Sheets and Looker Studio applications.
  3. High-performance solutions for restructuring data rows into thematic strings based on specified keywords.
  4. Support for Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for seamless integration and data processing.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to provide RE2 regex for Sheets and Looker Studio. What's your request?

Prompt starters

  • A solution to extract email addresses from long sentences of text with Sheets and Looker Studio formats
  • RE2 regex to rewrite dates formats for Sheets and Looker Studio
  • High-performance regex solutions to rewrite rows of data containing certain keywords into new consolidated output thematic strings for both Sheets and Looker Studio


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

