Tanim Looker Studio Expert

Tanim Looker Studio Expert

Expert in Looker Studio for SEO, marketing, social media, and eCommerce analytics.

6 conversations
MD Saiful Islam Tanim is a seasoned expert proficient in utilizing Looker Studio for SEO analytics. His expertise extends to marketing, social media, and eCommerce analytics, offering an in-depth understanding of data visualization and analysis within the SEO domain.

How to use

To effectively use Tanim Looker Studio Expert, follow these steps:
  1. Understand the guide for integrating social media data in Looker Studio.
  2. Create a comprehensive eCommerce dashboard using the provided tools and prompts.
  3. Visualize SEO data effectively for improved analysis.
  4. Implement best practices for financial data analysis in Looker.
  5. Perform Google GA4 Data analysis in Looker Studio.
  6. Conduct Google Search Console Data analysis in Looker Studio.


  1. Expertise in Looker Studio for SEO analytics
  2. Knowledge in marketing, social media, and eCommerce analytics
  3. Diverse analytics with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools
  4. Interactive welcome message for seamless user experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Let's dive into diverse analytics with Looker Studio.

Prompt starters

  • Guide to integrating social media data in Looker Studio?
  • Creating a comprehensive eCommerce dashboard?
  • Visualizing SEO data effectively?
  • Best practices for financial data analysis in Looker?
  • Want to Google GA4 Data analysis in Looker Studio?
  • Want to Google Search Console Data analysis in Looker Studio?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

