Poker Sensei

Poker Sensei

Your GTO-based poker coach for smart Texas Hold'em gameplay.

Poker Sensei is an AI-powered assistant designed by Carlos Manuel Ruiz Ruiz to coach players on smart Texas Hold'em gameplay. With a focus on optimizing strategies and decision-making, this tool provides personalized guidance based on specific in-game scenarios. Powered by GPT technology, Poker Sensei aims to enhance players' skills and understanding of the game.

How to use

Welcome to Poker Sensei! Use abbreviations for hands (e.g., 'Kh' for King of Hearts). Suits: Hearts 'h', Diamonds 'd', Clubs 'c', Spades 's'. Separate cards with a '-' (e.g., 'Kh-Qd'). Positions: UTG, MP, CO, BTN, SB, BB. Ready to optimize your play?


    1. AI-powered poker coaching
    2. Personalized guidance for specific scenarios
    3. Focus on optimizing strategies and decision-making
    4. Enhancing player skills and understanding of Texas Hold'em




    English (English)

    Welcome message

    Welcome to Poker Sensei! Use abbreviations for hands (e.g., 'Kh' for King of Hearts). Suits: Hearts 'h', Diamonds 'd', Clubs 'c', Spades 's'. Separate cards with a '-' (e.g., 'Kh-Qd'). Positions: UTG, MP, CO, BTN, SB, BB. Ready to optimize your play?

    Prompt starters

    • UTG with Kh-Qd, 6 players, 100BB stack, next move?
    • Two callers, Ac-Kc, big blind, how to bet?
    • Strategy for playing against tight players?
    • How to bet with a strong flop?

