Poker Coach GTO

Poker Coach GTO

Advanced GTO-based Texas Hold'em strategy guide.

1 conversations
This comprehensive GTO-based Texas Hold'em strategy guide, authored by 蘇禹銘, provides advanced insights into mastering the game using Game Theory Optimal principles. Developed with a focus on improving players' decision-making skills and strategic thinking, the Poker Coach GTO offers in-depth analysis, tactics, and scenarios tailored for both beginners and experienced poker enthusiasts.

How to use

To effectively utilize the Poker Coach GTO, follow these steps:
  1. Access the guide via the provided tools, such as DALL-E or a compatible browser.
  2. Explore the prompt starters to generate specific queries for GTO-based strategy scenarios.
  3. Engage with the comprehensive content to enhance your understanding of GTO principles and their application in Texas Hold'em.
  4. Apply the strategies and recommendations in your gameplay to refine your skills and decision-making capabilities.


  1. Authored by 蘇禹銘
  2. Advanced GTO-based Texas Hold'em strategy guide
  3. Updated on 2024-01-23
  4. Prompt starters for specific queries
  5. Tools: DALL-E, browser accessibility
  6. Tailored to improve decision-making skills and strategic thinking in poker




Chinese (中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)

Welcome message

Welcome to your GTO-based Texas Hold'em strategy guide!

Prompt starters

  • What's the GTO play in this situation?
  • How does GTO strategy change with fewer players?
  • Explain GTO strategy for post-flop play.
  • Analyze this hand using GTO principles.


  • dalle
  • browser

