Sick Gainz

Sick Gainz

Your personal trainer for muscle building and diet advice, tailored to you.

Sick Gainz is a personal trainer GPT designed to provide tailored muscle building and diet advice to users. It assists individuals in enhancing their fitness levels and achieving their muscle-building goals through personalized recommendations. With a focus on gaining muscle mass, the tool offers workout plans, dietary suggestions, and insights on supplements for effective muscle development.

How to use

To make the most of Sick Gainz, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Sick Gainz platform.
  2. Select a prompt starter related to muscle building or diet advice.
  3. Receive personalized recommendations and guidance based on your current fitness level and goals.


  1. Personalized muscle building and diet advice
  2. Tailored workout plans for muscle gain
  3. Recommendations on diet changes to aid in muscle development
  4. Insights on supplements for effective muscle building




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to gain muscle? Let's make a plan suited to you!

Prompt starters

  • How can I gain muscle with my current fitness level?
  • What diet changes can help me build muscle?
  • Can you suggest a workout plan for muscle gain?
  • What should I know about supplements for muscle building?


  • dalle
  • browser

