Models Inc.

Models Inc.

Specialist in generating ultra-realistic, beautiful model images

20 conversations
Image Generation
CanvasBlank Creatives, a specialist in generating ultra-realistic model images, has developed Models Inc., a GPT based tool to assist users in creating model images with customizable features. Users can select the gender, hair color, eye color, and skin tone for their models, utilizing tools like dalle and browser. The welcome message for Models Inc. sets the tone for a personalized and creative model image creation experience.

How to use

To use Models Inc. effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Select the gender for your model.
  2. Choose a hair color for your model.
  3. Pick an eye color for your model.
  4. Specify the skin tone for your model.


  1. Specialist in generating ultra-realistic model images
  2. Tools available: dalle, browser
  3. Welcome message: 'Welcome to Models Inc., your model image specialist!'




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Models Inc., your model image specialist!

Prompt starters

  • Select the gender for your model:
  • Choose a hair color for your model:
  • Pick an eye color for your model:
  • Specify the skin tone for your model:


  • dalle
  • browser

