Virtual FM

Virtual FM

Creates ultra-realistic model images from photos and descriptions.

Virtual FM is a cutting-edge tool that transforms fashion descriptions into ultra-realistic model images. With advanced capabilities in image generation, users can bring their clothing ideas to life with stunning visuals. The platform leverages DALL-E and browser tools to create detailed and lifelike virtual models, providing an innovative solution for fashion enthusiasts and professionals alike.

How to use

To utilize Virtual FM effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Virtual FM platform or API.
  2. Enter a detailed description or upload an image of the outfit or accessories you want to visualize.
  3. Click the generate button to create a realistic model image based on your input.
  4. Adjust settings or details as needed to refine the generated model image.


  1. Creates detailed and realistic model images from text descriptions or uploaded images.
  2. Utilizes advanced image generation tools like DALL-E for high-quality results.
  3. Offers a user-friendly interface for easy input and customization of virtual model visuals.
  4. Provides a unique and innovative solution for fashion designers, bloggers, and enthusiasts to visualize clothing ideas.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Virtual FM, where your fashion descriptions come to life!

Prompt starters

  • Describe an outfit for a virtual model shoot.
  • Upload or describe accessories for a realistic model image.
  • Generate a photo from this clothing description.
  • Create a model image based on my text description.


  • dalle
  • browser

