Drawing Idea Generator

Drawing Idea Generator

Helps artists generate drawing ideas and realistic references.

2 conversations
The Drawing Idea Generator, developed by Jonathan Blangstrup, assists artists in generating drawing ideas and realistic references. It is a valuable tool for artists seeking inspiration for their artwork, offering prompt starters such as mood descriptions, favorite scenes or objects, desired feelings to capture, and memories of beloved places.

How to use

To use the Drawing Idea Generator:
  1. Visit the platform using a browser.
  2. Engage with the GPT model using prompts related to your mood, favorite scenes, desired feelings, or beloved places.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E tool for enhanced artistic inspiration.


  1. Helps artists generate drawing ideas and realistic references.
  2. Offers prompt starters related to mood, scenes, feelings, and memories.
  3. Utilizes the DALL-E tool and browser interface for enhanced artistic inspiration.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's create some art. Tell me about your mood or favorite things.

Prompt starters

  • What's your current mood for drawing?
  • Describe your favorite scene or object.
  • What feelings do you want to capture in your art?
  • Tell me about a place you love.


  • dalle
  • browser

