Triple Composition and Pose Proposer

Triple Composition and Pose Proposer

Detailed anime and realistic style idea generator.

3 conversations
The Triple Composition and Pose Proposer is a cutting-edge GPT designed by TAKAYUKI ITO, providing detailed anime and realistic style idea generation capabilities. It enables users to effortlessly create unique character poses, heroes for animations, detailed characters for realistic animations, and fantasy world ideas in anime style, leveraging the power of algorithms. This innovative tool caters to artists, designers, animators, and creators seeking inspiration and guidance for their projects, fostering creativity and efficiency in the creative process.

How to use

To make the most of the Triple Composition and Pose Proposer, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using your web browser.
  2. Choose between generating realistic character poses for a drama series, creating anime-style heroes for an adventure animation, generating detailed characters for a realistic animation, or offering ideas for a fantasy world in anime style.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E algorithm integrated within the tool to visualize your ideas effectively.
  4. Explore the welcome message and prompt starters to kickstart your creative process with ease.


  1. Empowers users to generate detailed anime and realistic style ideas effortlessly.
  2. Facilitates the creation of unique character poses and heroes for animations.
  3. Incorporates the DALL-E algorithm for enhanced visual representation of ideas.
  4. Offers prompt starters for various creative scenarios in anime and realistic styles.




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to bring your anime and realistic style ideas to life!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest realistic character poses for a drama series.
  • Create anime-style heroes for an adventure animation.
  • Generate detailed characters for a realistic animation.
  • Offer ideas for a fantasy world in anime style.


  • dalle
  • browser

