Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

I find tailored scholarships based on your profile.

1 conversations
The Scholarship Finder GPT, created by William Lu, is a powerful tool designed to help individuals find tailored scholarships based on their profile. By leveraging advanced technologies such as DALL-E and browser integration, this GPT offers a personalized approach to scholarship discovery. With a user-friendly interface and guided prompts, users can easily provide information about their academic background, ethnic background, career goals, and specific circumstances to receive relevant scholarship recommendations. The GPT continuously updates its database and provides a seamless experience for users seeking financial aid for their education.

How to use

Hi! Let's find scholarships that fit you perfectly. Tell me about yourself.
  1. Provide details about your academic background.
  2. Share your ethnic background.
  3. Discuss your specific career goals.
  4. Indicate if you have any unique circumstances such as being a veteran or other special situations.


  1. Tailored scholarship recommendations based on user profile
  2. Utilizes advanced technologies like DALL-E and browser integration
  3. Guided prompts for information input
  4. Continuous database updates for relevant scholarship opportunities
  5. Enhanced user experience for education financial aid search




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's find scholarships that fit you perfectly. Tell me about yourself.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about your academic background.
  • What's your ethnic background?
  • Do you have any specific career goals?
  • Are you a veteran or have any other specific circumstances?


  • dalle
  • browser

