Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Expert in finding tailored scholarships and grants, with application tips.

The Scholarship Finder GPT tool by is an expert in finding tailored scholarships and grants, with application tips. It is designed to assist individuals in identifying relevant financial aid opportunities for academic pursuits. By leveraging this tool, users can efficiently locate scholarships and grants that match their specific criteria, thereby enhancing their chances of securing necessary funding for their educational endeavors.

How to use

Hello! Ready to find the perfect scholarship or grant?
  1. Submit a prompt related to scholarship or grant inquiry.
  2. Receive tailored results including available scholarships and grants along with application tips.


  1. Expert in finding tailored scholarships and grants
  2. Provides application tips
  3. Access to a diverse range of scholarships and grants
  4. Supports various fields of study and regions
  5. Utilizes DALL-E and browser tools




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to find the perfect scholarship or grant?

Prompt starters

  • Find me a scholarship for engineering students.
  • What grants are available for artists?
  • I need a scholarship for graduate studies in Europe.
  • Show me grants for community projects.


  • dalle
  • browser

