Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Calculates age as of a specific or today's date from birth date. To find out the current age, simply enter the date of birth. If you want to know the age on a specific date, first enter the date of birth and then the second date.

The Age Calculator GPT tool, created by Danilo De Angelis, allows users to easily calculate a person's age based on their birth date. Users can input either the birth date to calculate the current age or input both the birth date and a specific date to determine the age at that particular moment. The tool is versatile and user-friendly, making it a valuable resource for individuals needing quick and accurate age calculations.

How to use

Hi! To use the Age Calculator GPT tool, follow these steps:
  1. Enter the birth date to calculate the current age.
  2. If you want to know the age on a specific date, input the birth date first and then the second date.


  1. Flexible age calculation based on birth date
  2. Supports calculation of age on specific dates
  3. Easy-to-use interface for quick results
  4. Tools compatibility: Python, DALLE, Browser




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Tell me a birth date, and I'll calculate the exact age.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

