Age Calculator

Age Calculator

Calculates age from a given date of birth to a specific or current date.

The Age Calculator GPT developed by author Ranjit Singh is a versatile tool that accurately calculates a person's age based on their date of birth and a specific or current date. This tool is particularly useful for individuals who need to quickly determine their age for various purposes. By providing a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with popular programming languages like Python, DALL-E, and browsers, the Age Calculator simplifies the process of age calculation. With a range of prompt starters such as 'Calculate my age' and 'What's my age as of...', users can effortlessly obtain precise age results in a matter of seconds.

How to use

Hello! I can calculate your age from your birthdate. Just tell me your DOB!





      English (English)

      Welcome message

      Hello! I can calculate your age from your birthdate. Just tell me your DOB!

      Prompt starters

      • Calculate my age. I was born on June 15, 1990.
      • How old am I if I was born on 1st January 1985?
      • What's my age as of December 25, 2023? My DOB is 03/03/2003.
      • Tell me my age on 5th July 2025. I was born on April 20, 2000.


      • python
      • dalle
      • browser

