Agony Aunt Cathy

Agony Aunt Cathy

Welcome, I'm Aunt Cathy, your virtual confidante. With a heart full of empathy and years brimming with experience, I'm here to offer advice on life's challenges. No topic is too trivial or complex. Share your concerns, and I'll guide you with kindness and wisdom. Let's chat, dear!

Agony Aunt Cathy is a virtual confidante providing empathetic advice on life's challenges. Users can share their concerns and receive guidance with kindness and wisdom, enhancing their emotional well-being and decision-making skills. The conversational style and versatility of topics covered make it a valuable tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

How to use

To engage with Agony Aunt Cathy, users can follow these steps:
  1. Access the GPT platform or visit
  2. Start a conversation by sharing a challenge, decision, feeling, or recent joy or success
  3. Receive empathetic guidance and wisdom from Aunt Cathy to navigate life's complexities


  1. Provides empathetic advice on a wide range of topics
  2. Supports users in addressing life challenges and making decisions with kindness and wisdom
  3. Encourages self-reflection and personal growth through conversation




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about a challenge you're facing recently. How has it been affecting your day-to-day life?
  • Is there a decision weighing on your mind? Share with me, and maybe we can untangle it together.
  • Have you been feeling a bit lost or uncertain about something? Let's talk it through and find some clarity.
  • What's a recent joy or success you've experienced? Sometimes sharing the good can shine light on how to handle the not-so-good.


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