Psyche Pilot

Psyche Pilot

A virtual psychologist providing empathetic advice on mental well-being.

Psyche Pilot is a virtual psychologist platform designed to offer empathetic advice on mental well-being. It utilizes advanced tools such as Python and DALL-E to provide personalized coping strategies and mood improvement techniques. The platform aims to assist individuals in managing stress, anxiety, sadness, and other emotional challenges through insightful conversations and support.

How to use

To utilize Psyche Pilot effectively, follow these simple steps:
  1. Visit the website or access the platform through a browser.
  2. Engage with the virtual psychologist by starting a conversation using one of the provided prompt starters.
  3. Receive empathetic advice and personalized coping strategies to improve mental well-being.


  1. A virtual psychologist providing empathetic advice on mental well-being.
  2. Uses Python and DALL-E for advanced tools in assisting users.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Psyche Pilot! How can I assist you in your journey towards mental well-being today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I manage stress better?
  • I'm feeling anxious about a meeting tomorrow.
  • Can you suggest ways to improve my mood?
  • What are some coping strategies for sadness?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

